Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Once again

Here I am, the same place I was last year when I realized I had to step down from the music team.

Laundry is not getting done, meals are not prepared as they should, and one of my children is "flying under the radar" with school. Of course, I don't notice until I check everything for the monthly grades I have to turn in!

Unfortunately, the thing I realize I'll have to let go of is the Bible study at Bonnie Lisech's. I don't know if it's because it moved to Tuesday nights instead of Mondays, but it's so much harder to do this year! (Gee, the three English classes, plus co-op, plus US History, plus AWANA JV that I teach couldn't have anything to do with it!

I have been giving one of my daughters the least of my time, and it shows. The other daughter and I had precious evenings together after I left the music team, and now that's gone. I actually said to my husband Sunday night, "I'm sorry, but I simply cannot listen to you right now. I MUST get this done!" Ouch. I'm dreading the approaching Sunday School quarter where John and I teach together - I'm thankful it's the 3-k's and a small class.

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we might gain a heart of wisdom." I think that's in 2 Timothy somewhere.

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