Friday, March 09, 2007

The Funniest Thing

I have declared myself to be on Spring Break. I should have had a US History class today, but 3/4 of the students went to Tennessee to compete in a Bible Bowl competition. Go Team!

So, I took a shower this morning, and THAT'S ALL. I put on some comfy clean sweat pants and a clean t-shirt. (Don't ask me why I'm emphasising the fact they're clean. I don't put on dirty clothes . . . anymore.) I brushed out my hair and let it hang, figured the cyclical red bumps on the end of my nose could use an airing away from make-up, and put on my glasses. Presto!

Then Glenna asked if we could go to Blockbuster. I also needed to stop at Publix, so we hopped in the car.

On the way out of Blockbuster, I noticed a well dressed man getting out of the car next to mine. He looked at me and looked like he wanted to say something, but I looked down. When I looked back up he was still looking, so I said hello.

"Hello! How are you?" he smiled.
"I'm well, thank you!" (It bugs me when people say "I'm GOOD." I always use "well.")
"You LOOK well, you know it?" he replied, still smiling.
"Excuse me?"
"I mean, look at you. You're outside, not a lick of make-up on, and a naturally beautiful woman. God bless you!" he said, his smile widening.
Laughing by now, I gave back a "God bless YOU!" and chuckled all the way to Publix.

Probably won't go to the store without at least covering the blotches on my nose again, though.

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