Wednesday, February 28, 2007


After a three hour wait at the orthopedist, we were thrilled to hear Glenna will need no further surgery! The bones are still in place. They put a hard cast on her, and she returns in 3 weeks. Hooray!

We're so thankful. We're thankful for so many, many things through this!

1. For God's watch-care over us.
2. For our friends and family who pray for us, and who take the time to make cards and gifts for Glenna.
3. For the tax return that should cover anything our insurance doesn't.
4. For John's timly installation of a shower head with a spray hose!
5. For the bathrooms downstairs finally being repaired!
6. For the right orthopedist on duty that night in the ER (we've been finding out just HOW good he is through others).
7. For Glenna's speedy recovery! She's now going her second day without any pain meds or dizziness!
8. For Glenna being able to move her fingers. :-) The only one we're a little concerned about is the thumb, but the ortho today was able to get her to move it correctly, and now she has instructions to keep practicing.

I could go on and on!


ThriveYouth said...


But, seriously.
I've been through the whole broken arm to surgery deal, and I'm so glad Glenna doesn't have to!

God is good!

Mrs said...

Amen! All the time!


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