Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kids and Spaghetti

Before Dad complained of terrible back ache and was taken to the ER on June 14, he was living with my cousin, Norm, and Norm's wife, Vicki. 

Vicki had a great idea to borrow the dining room of the nursing home and bring in spaghetti and bread. Aunt Sandy and I were in charge of fruit and salad. Almost all of Norm and Vicki's in-state children and grandchildren came (their son, Norman III, is serving in the Army). Jacob had to work.

Anna-Alise, daughter of Norman III and Melissa

Her brother, DJ, in the Superman shirt (because he IS Superman)

Stinkin' cute Riley, son of Jared

My cousin, Norm, is standing in the background. He's a big-ol Teddy bear.

Jade, Riley's big sister

It was a glorious din of kid noises, not usually heard in a nursing home. Comically, some residents kept coming up to the door and peering through the window to see what was going on. =) Dad seemed to enjoy all the company, but naturally it wore him out.

Sunset on the way home

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