Tuesday, April 17, 2007

That says it.

The suburbia-living citizen has succumbed to this means of daily informational indulgence that has pushed the social limitations of moral and dignified communication. -- Tyler Welsh


ThriveYouth said...

thanks for letting me steal kelly! :D

successful shopping trips are so exciting!
looking forward to Sunday.... :]

If I do recal, you asked me to let you know when you could pray for my piano stuff....welllll this Saturday, I have a big theory/performance evaluation at Stetson. I've been preparing for this for close to 6 months, so I'd like to do my best. On the other hand, I know it's not the end of the world if I don't. Mostly pray for my attitude. It probably needs the most prayer. ;]

P.S. Does the fact that I'm leaving this comment prove Tyler's point? =/

Mrs said...

Ty says, "Yes. Yes it does."

Wow! THIS Saturday! And I'll be in St. Augustine! However, you're at the top of my prayer list! Play to your Abba Daddy, your audience of One. It will be fragrant incense to His throne!

ThriveYouth said...

so, if you charged for each prayer, i'd be keeping you in business, eh?

Actually, I mean 4 classes TOTAL. 2 and 2.
Next year won't be too bad, really.

The puppy did alright. I don't think he even woke my brother up at all.
He was nibbling on my ears tonight. ;]
he loves to chewwwwww on everything!

ThriveYouth said...

oh darn it!
i wasn't going to leave you any comments until tomorrow...just so i wasn't one of those suburian pushovers daily indulging myself. ;]

Mrs said...

You make me laugh! This sentence was from his Fresh. Comp. paper on the effects of the internet on society. Kelly was working on a different paper at the same time, and they were throwing outstanding sentences to each other.

You'll have to ask Kelly to read her politicially correct paper to you!


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