Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On a Lighter Note

Here is one of Glenna's UNEDITED compositions. I think the subtitle needs to be "Fun with the Thesaurus."

Who writes like this at age 12? I mean, really? The assignment was to write a critique on a short story, "Genghis Khan and His Hawk."

Khan’s impromptu water inlet by this time had vanished; therefore, the ambitious Mongolian climbed the diminutive cliff to find the start of the spring. The reprehensible man was stunned when he found the reason for his acquaintance’s actions. The impetuous deportment of Genghis Khan have shown people all around the world to think before acting.


Phyllis@Aimless Conversation said...

My boys most certainly DO NOT write like that! Hilarious.

Jenna Lyn said...

haha wow! Glenna's so cute. =)

Raquel said...

Wow. I was in her same class and did the same assignment, but I don't understand half of the words in there. :-)

Glenna said...

Oh Rachel, don't you understand by now? it's my goal to confuse you. : )


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