Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sunday Musings

I haven't posted in a long time, as Jess has pointed out!

Much has happened: a funeral, non-stop action, school, a Bible study.

Weird stuff.

I've also noted that my children no longer wait for me to get off the computer. When they want to use it, they'll sit next to me for a few minutes to make sure I'm not doing anything "important," then they'll simply take the laptop from my lap.

Since when is watching TV shows on line (without commercials) NOT important?


agable said...

Haha! You guys are too funny :)
Oh, and it was GREAT to see you Saturday night!

Jenna Lyn said...

haha that's so funny! That's kind of how it is in my house too... =)

Anyway, I've decided to pick up blogging again, so I thought I'd let you know that this is my new blog incase you're interested. =)

have a nice day!

BA said...

Good to have you back! We're getting to the point where you are...I think I need my very own laptop and leave this one for the kids. Someday....

Glenna said...

Hmm Mrs.L your idea sounds quite tempting! I might have to come over and use your computer! (ours is usely occupied ; p)


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