Monday, November 06, 2006

Festival Update

The Festival was so great! There seemed to be so many people we didn't know. About 10 people that we know of indicated a decision for Christ! An entire little family did! WOW!!!

I got to play bass guitar again (thanks Matt!), which was fun. Definite Zero rocked like they do. I had so many people come up and tell me how amazed they were with Tyler's playing. I know, because I'm amazed every week when he plays here at home. Sometimes I'll sit on his bed or the couch (wherever the drums happen to be) and just watch his feet while he plays. How wonderful to do something so complicated and make it look so fluid and effortless.

Even more fun was being on stage with Himself again. I guess I miss that part of not being on the music team anymore - participating in something with John. During the sets on Saturday I could turn around and look at him, and I know we were both thinking the same thing. "Isn't this so cool?" The music and songs in the second set were so wonderful, I couldn't help but worship God as we sang about Him.

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