Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Seriously, Florida? Seriously?

My heater popped on today.

March is supposed to be beautiful!

I hope this all means that summer will be MILD.

Trying to slash my food budget and eat more vegetables. Since my vegetable repertoire is limited, I decided to whip out the red and white checkered cookbook.

The pages tell the tale.

Where there are main dishes, breads, pastries, cookies, etc., the pages are splattered and smeared.

Under the vegetable section, the pages are still pristine.


Unknown said...

The stir fry I made the other night was so yummy and FULL of veggies.
I think the budgeting trick is finding recipes that fit the seasonal veggies. But KEEP the green bean staple. Green beans are my favorite - cooked any way!

agable said...

Veggies sound good right now!


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