Monday, February 11, 2008

Why is it. . .

Why is it . . . the teacher's kid rarely has homework ready?

Why is it . . . when women's underwear wears out, it's because the elastic is shot. When men's underwear wears out, nothing is left except the elastic? Can't these two companies get together?

Why is it . . . no one comes over when the house is clean?

Do you have any "Why is it" jewels to share?


Bagel Two said...

Why is it...something goes wrong with a household appliance just when you've spent a bunch a money on furniture?

Why is it...home improvement opportunities come in threes?

Why is it...these opportunities always occur BEFORE you receive your tax refund?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that when you are trying to avoid the chocolate, it pops up everywhere, but when you really want some, it is so difficult to get a hold of?


Anonymous said...

WHY IS IT that one always seems to have an abundance of laundry lying around but when he needs a certain shirt, it is no where to be found?

Bagel Two said...

Why is it that when you have spare time to read a book, there's nothing you want to read, and when you have NO time, your favorite authors all have books out.

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

Why is it that anytime an animal feels sick, it unloads its tummy on the rug - never on bare tile?

Why is it that the toast always falls jelly side down?

Why is it that, even though I KNOW I've just put my hand on a PLASTIC cockroach planted by my son, I scream like a lunatic anyway?

Bagel Two said...

Why is it that one is always stepping on pencils, finding pencils in the laundry and in the couch, on the counter and next to the computer, and when one actually Needs A Pencil, there are only broken ones, and no sharpeners?

Anonymous said...

Why is it you haven't posted Kelly's dancing video yet?

Mrs said...

You guys are all cracking me up. I sure would like to know who the anonymous chocolate lover is!

D . . . Jack got sick on the TILE tonight, thank you very much! Does this win him the Dog of the Year award?

BT, everyone knows pencils can sense danger, then they activate their cloaking devices. I thought you were smart like that? Sheesh. I also like how you worded it; home improvement opportunities. I'll remember that.

Bagel Two said...

My recent home improvement opportunity required the household to regress to 'developing country' stage, and bathe in the sink.

Also, dadaha...etc., the scream is a 'conditioned response' to the ickiness of bugs in general--totally involuntary on your part, and nothing to be ashamed of. Kind of like the conditioned response that kids have when they hear the crackle of a bag opening: a totally empty kitchen is suddenly cramped with people asking "what have you got there? Can I have some?"

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

Jack definitely gets Dog Of The Year!

Anonymous said...

This post has me in stitches (as my Grandma says). Thanks for the laugh. Hey, I have a question/ opportunity for you. If you're curiousity is piqued (or is it peaked?) =) you can give me a call...I'm hesitant to post my phone number here...ask Kate. =)

Anonymous said...

This post has me in stitches (as my Grandma says). Thanks for the laugh. Hey, I have a question/ opportunity for you. If you're curiousity is piqued (or is it peaked?) =) you can give me a call...I'm hesitant to post my phone number here...ask Kate. =)

Mrs said...

Shannon, I AM intrigued! I'll give you a call.


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