Sunday, April 27, 2008

El Mal Del El Sol

We asked our Hispanic friend how to say "sunburn" in Spanish, and el mal del el sol is what he told us. Roughly translated, it's "the bad of the sun."

Everyone knows that if you need sunscreen, you come and see me. I am always so careful about my children and the sun, to the point where they try to run away from me! My mantra has been, "Not on my watch! You won't be sunburned on my watch!"

So why, knowing I was going to an outdoor wedding yesterday, in Florida, did I not put on any sunscreen?

Kelly didn't, either.

It's actually much worse than it looks because of the camera flash.

My shoulders are completely red, but my arms have already turned to tan. Kelly, unfortunately, will just burn and go back to white. The most she can hope for is for her freckles to join together for a tan!

My skin is damaged enough. I seriously didn't want to damage it further. What was I thinking?

Ok, I wasn't.


Bagel Two said...

Hey, remember when we used to lay out, unheeding, at the beach? (I kinda miss that.) I shudder to remember all those times I napped in my backyard.

Mrs said...

Definitely, and we even poured on the baby oil to do it! How I envied your olive complexion!

Now, my skin is the poster child of sun damage. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely feeling the effects of not wearing sun screen.
Ouch! ><
In fact, my skin color closely resembles yours and Kelly's!

And all at once I'm reminded why I love the moonlight.

BOSSY said...

Ouch! Bossy says Apply Moisturizer!


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