Saturday, July 12, 2008

Beach Trip

When I returned from California, I had a great day hauling Kelly and her friends to the beach. Glenna and Bec the Spec came with us, though I don't have any photographic evidence of Bec. Sorry, hon!

This is the trip where I tried to make the Atlantic my friend. This is where I tried to accept the weird differences of north being on the wrong side and a serious lack of power in the waves. This is where we decided to remain acquaintances, instead.

This is also where I had to wear a hat inside the car, since teens think it's great to have the sunroof open. This is also where I had to pay a $25.00 parking ticket because I missed the meter by 22 minutes! *Disclaimer: my car does not have a sunroof. We borrowed a ride from Kate's family so we could all fit, plus the surfboard.

This is an expression Glenna wears often. It's usually sparked by something her mother, siblings, or friends are doing. It is regularly accompanied by the expression, "What are you doing?" but can also be used with, "What are you talking about?" or "What is that?" It's a handy thing to have a multi-use expression.

Kate and Chico are ready for some serious beach time. Who isn't? Chico loves to surf and has volunteered to teach us all. I have body surfed, I have boogie-boarded, but I have never stood on a surfboard.

We got to the Atlantic, and I knew I would not be surfing that day. You see, the thing about surfing is; ya gotta have waves. I asked Chico, "Where are the waves?" His reply was, "Ummm . . . " I don't blame him. It's not his faulty. Still, he's such a great teacher that both Kate and Kelly were able to at least stand and move forward on the surfboard in the ripples! Kudos, Chico!

This is a hilarious picture of Kate, Chico, and Kelly. You know, it wasn't until I downloaded this picture here that I noticed the sunglasses on Chico! I literally laugh out loud every time I see this.

Umm . . . not sure about this one. I threw it in, though. It's Kelly, and she's. Doing. Something. Yeah.

Glenna may have taken this one. It looks like something Glenna would do. You know, every time I go to type her name, it comes out as Gel first? I'm thinking the "e" finger is faster than the "l" finger. I also type "typer" before I can stop myself when typing "type." "I will help Gel typer a letter."

Love this picture. Love, love, lover it. It makes me feel typer. Doesn't Kate have the coolest green eyes ever?

On the way home, we had a serious rainstorm. I was forced to reduce my speed to a crawl at points. I then missed my turn and ended up taking the looooong way home. However, with kids like these around, the journey was worth it!

Sorry, don't have pictures of the actual beach. You can look at these though, and pretend we were there instead.

1 comment:

Bagel Two said...

Nice little diversion into typo-land! Your kids and Chico are so cute. I feel your pain, fellow Pacific-lover. Sigh.


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