Monday, December 03, 2007

Strange Happenings

Yesterday, I noticed my son had bought himself a pack of socks. Does anything say "I don't need Mom" more than buying your own socks? How bittersweet!

Today, I stumbled into the bathroom and noticed something else; my kids are taking over my bathroom.

There's Kelly's stuff on my counter.

There's Tyler's toothbrush sitting neatly across my cotton ball holder.

There's Glenna's writing, "helping" me with my Sudoku puzzle.

My bathroom is not in my bedroom, but it's in the hall. Why should my bedroom have a bathroom? It doesn't even have a closet! Anyway, this makes it available to whomever should stroll in. This definitely makes it NOT my own personal space.

Why don't they use their OWN bathroom?

A trip upstairs quickly reveals the reason - I would write it down, but why would I want any of my dear friends screaming in anguish? I mean, when it happened to me, I at least had a little child available to grab me by the arm, gently call my name, and lead me carefully back downstairs.

The Horror.


DaDaHaZaReJe said...

OK now instead of anguish, you have aroused my curiosity. What is it that would cause your kids to abandon their bathroom but not tell you...?

Anonymous said...

Is there a tragic ending to this story? Oh, do tell!

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. W. for driving me around this weekend! :D


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