Monday, December 31, 2007

The View

Mostly, this was our view in Arkansas.

More to come.

I had someone wish me a "Safe New Year" at Walmart today. As I was telling my friend BT, WHY? Do I look like the type of person who's going to knock back a case of cold ones and drag race down the street?


chocolatechic said...

Happy New Year!

Bagel Two said...

Happy New Year, J! No, you don't strike the eye as a carouser and pillager. I have noticed many people wishing each other a safe New Year, I think with the idea in mind that there are many indiscriminate users of alcohol that get confidently behind the wheel at this time of year, and as many good wishes as posssible in order to avoid them can't hurt. Perhaps you look like a dewy innocent who deserves to survive through 2008 intact. Kudos!


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