Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Surprise

The Friday after my birthday in September, I found this in my living room:

My children had bought me a tree!

There is a tree down the street that I have been admiring for four years. I don't have anyone here to tell me the name (and none of them are sure of the correct pronunciation) but in the spring is a blaze of brilliant yellow.

I see them throughout our city. Every time I spot one, an "Oooh!" escapes from my lips. I can't help it! It's so gorgeous.

My Kelly is the one who not only remembered this, but took action. She pooled funds with her siblings and conspired with Himself to bring me the tree. Right now, it's planted in the front yard outside the kitchen window.

As much as I want to enjoy the coolness of fall/winter (Hah!), I also can't wait for spring!

My kids are waiting somewhat apprehensively; what if it's not the right one? Regardless, I love them for thinking of me specifically, reading my heart, and blessing me.

Himself blessed me with the beauty of blooms:
The color of these roses was amazing and they lasted for weeks. Here, they're fully opened.

Of course, there's always some joker in the family, trying to give Mom a heart attack:
I won't tell you who did it, but her name rhymes with Glenna.


DaDaHaZaReJe said...

What a great birthday gift!!! The tree is gorgeous but the real beauty is the fact that your children know your heart.

And I must say that the one whose name ryhmes with glenna thinks an awful lot like me. ;-)

Rebekah said...

Oh I love the flowers! And how sweet of your children to remember how you love that tree.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see it bloom!

Oh, and I do believe it's supposed to be colder this week! Cross your fingers; it just may feel like fall! :)


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