Friday, April 17, 2009

The Ones that Didn't Quite Work

It's no secret that in order to get a really great photo, one must take lots and lots of photos. Us Ws aren't familiar with posing, so we weren't exactly comfortable doing it. Es-Snyder had some great ideas and soon made us more comfortable in front of the camera.

Some of the ideas for poses were ours. This goes to prove we need to leave it to those who know what they're doing!

Himself was talking in this one. Are you surprised? I am definitely not the talker in this relationship!

He did this on purpose. Again, is anyone surprised?

Here he's being serious, but the wind! The wind! I kept telling Es-Snyder that the wind needed to come from our backs, but evidently the lighting was better with the wind in our faces. The result? My hair!

This is where Kelly's hair gathered some tree sap! We were also on the lookout for ant piles.

Es-Snyder probably liked the crosswalk sign, but I thought it out of place with this pretty park picture. Many times he'll look for things like this on purpose, and most of the time I like it.

I loved when the kids were doing something and Es-Snyder kept clicking away. Here, Ty notices that Kelly has something near her eye.

To "help," he simply stuck his finger in her eye. What a brother!

Then there was the posing with inanimate objects:
I have no idea what this means. Feel free to ask him.

One of Tyler's favorite things is to imitate the . . . how should we say this? . . . less than stellar children who would come to the go-kart track.
Here, he had demanded, "I want to pose with the pumpkin! I want to pose with the pumpkin!" [Insert cheesy grin]

Es-Snyder was doing a shot from under a fountain, between the water drops. The kids understood that they only needed to sit there. Himself and I thought we needed to slump down so we could see the photographer.
Like I said, we're new at this!

Is this man EVER serious?
I didn't think so.

This was one of my ideas. What was I thinking?
Singing in the rain? Narnian lamppost? Cute kids in the slums of WP, Florida?

We got some really good shots of this one, then Kelly decided it was time to stop sharing the spotlight with her sister. Here, she was pushing her out of the photo.

Sun a little too bright for eyes to open. Mom's feet in the shot. Drat.

Glenna and Kelly still too squinty-eyed. There's Mom's toes again.
(I think that's the last time I had polish on my toes. I should probably do something about that now that it's sandal weather.)

Note to self: Never, ever, ask a photographer to capture the backside again. Ever.
The End.


agable said...

You guys are so much fun :)

Unknown said...

Eye poking ones = favorite.

Glenna said...

In the fourth one daddy was tickling me. that's why it looks like I'm falling.

Phyllis said...

Hee hee. But did you see the link that I posted to my friend's family photos? They're hilarious!


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