Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One Amazing Package

In what I felt was my worst hostessing experience ever, Dr. Stephen Lewis from Rocky Mountain Bible College and Rocky Mountain Seminary came and stayed with us.

I say it was horrible because I didn't get to do any of the fun hostessing things I normally do. We didn't go see the manatee. We barely saw each other, even! I was either working or driving Glenna to her various events. He was mostly left home with the dogs, and Missy nervously tried to entertain him by leaving a "deposit" in her kennel.

I die.

Evidently, the visit wasn't so bad to Dr. Lewis!

I came home from work on Thursday and found a huge package waiting. I called Himself and began to describe the contents. First, I found these:
Basic Bible Interpretation by Roy B. Zuck and The Disciplemaker by Gary Derickson and Earl B. Radmacher!

Also this:
Salvation by Earl D. Radmacher - two copies!

But then, I pulled out the following. I asked Himself if he wanted me to describe it or if he wanted to be surprised when he got home.

"Tell me what it is!"

"Are you sure?"


Amazing that the man who won't let us open even ONE GIFT on Christmas Eve could not wait another mile of driving to hear what the gift was.

Here it is!

A full set of golf clubs, with the bag!

Does this mean I don't have to share the books?

When Himself was actually home (he was out of town most of Dr. Lewis's visit), they had talked extensively of golf, golf clubs, and golf bags.
Himself insisted I describe each and every club as he was driving back from Miami. I peeled back the cover and did so.

Yes, that's a Nike driver! Suh-weet!

Now, you're not actually seeing the club heads here:
These are fancy rubber covers that protect each head in the bag.

Dr. Lewis, thank you so much! We were floored by your generosity and thoughtfulness. Thank you!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Your posts are so cute JoAnna! While at my parents house this weekend, my dad told me about your blog and the one you wrote about the gifts he sent. He was very touched that you and John were so excited about the gifts! I know he enjoyed his stay with y'all very much! I know because he couldn't stop talking about it :)
Love, Jennifer


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