Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This picture has caused mixed reactions from my friends. I found it hysterical. . .not because the poor cat got run over (darn owners. . . keep your cats at home!) but because someone actually stopped and put a sign there!

Plus, those who know me, know how I feel about cats. ;-)

The house across the street, the house next to that one, and the house behind us all have cats. We're the cat highway. They're constantly coming here to use the bathroom, lounge on my bench cushions and leave their hair, and we're their trysting place. I can't tell you how many times we've heard the horrible yowling on our front porch! I've yanked open the door and sent them on their way.

It's time like this I miss Blaze the most. I would say, "Blaze! Get the cat!" and she'd lumber her 85 pound frame to her feet, charge to the door, and "escort" the cat off our property. I can't really send Jack, the schnauzer, since he's less likely to return in a timely manner.

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