Sunday, November 11, 2007

Same Ole, Same Ole

Do you ever try to manipulate your family's wardrobe?

I remember getting rid of a perfectly good dress (forgive me, Grandpa Hay) because I was tired of looking at it and it was a pain to iron. It was Kelly's, and there was no way I was going to cycle it through for Glenna! (Sorry, Kelly. Now you know what really happened to the purple flower dress!)

Himself often wears the same t-shirts when he's home. There's nothing really wrong with them; I'd just like the rest of his wardrobe to wear out at the same pace. OK. . . . the truth is, I like variety. How many pictures did I have of him wearing the same blue Henley?

I started to "hide" the shirt. I'd fold it and put it under the other clothes.

I'd walk into the bedroom to find is closet in complete disarray. "Where's that blue Henley? I'll wear that one."

Then I'd try not washing it right away when it was in the laundry basket.

"I'm just going to throw a load of laundry in here, Hon."

I've also [gasp] thrown away pants because I kept ruining them. He had this pair of black wool pants that went with his suit. I can't tell you how many times I'd accidentally throw them in the wash! Then I'd have to try and rescue it with the iron. I always felt they came out horribly. The other day, I confessed to this:

"Honey, I threw away those black wool pants."

"What? Those were good pants!"

Not anymore.


Anonymous said...

The extent of my wardrobe manipulation is giving away my clothes so that I HAVE to go shopping. ;]
(However, I have hidden a few things, myself, for fear they would be thrown out for me, i.e. my red flowered vans, my mom's college sorority jacket.)

It was great worshipping with you this morning! Wasn't the music just wonderful? :D

chocolatechic said...

I did that once with a hideous shirt of Superman's. It was purple and green. Actually, he had 2. I pitched one, and hid the other.

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

It must be the weather! Right now At this very moment I have three children sorting through their clothes and going through boxes of stored clothing because I Am Not Going To Store Any More! I am also in a stage of No Comfortable Pants. The ones I have are too tight and I refuse to buy the next size up - and honestly I've tried a few on and I'm between sizes so they slide down and annoy me.

And yes, I have thrown things out in the dark of the night - always just before the garbage man comes. I really hate it when I make something 'disappear' and get caught!

Bagel Two said...

My secret method: Put an item that no longer fits, or has outlived my tolerance into the Goodwill pile for a week. If no one mentions it, away it goes into a bag in my trunk, to be gifted to the unwary. If an item has holes or stains? Toss it into the trash or the rag pile. My family is so sublimely unconscious of the process by which clothes travel from the hamper back into their drawers that they usually never miss it.

Do I take any satisfaction from this fact? Not really.


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