Monday, September 14, 2009

I Still Love this Picture

The team gave a presentation of their trip last Sunday. It was so great! I can't wait until Josh gets the video together.

Lately, I've been thinking of American materialism. I try so hard not to want or to buy, but America makes it so easy! Anything I want or need can be had at a price. I tell myself it's all right because I don't want or need "big ticket items" or luxury items.

Why do I hold on to so much stuff?

Every time I try to purge my books, it doesn't seem as if any have left. Why am I truly holding on to them? There are many favorites that I'd like to keep, but what about the others? What about the informational, non-fiction books that I have never read again?

Hmmmm . . . and how many blankets do I actually need? IN FLORIDA? I'm not talking about the ones on our beds or the ones that my mother made, I'm talking about the ones in the closets "just in case."

I read an article today (I think it was on the Empowered Traditionalist blog) about how women would dress in the 1940s and 1950s. They would have only a few outfits and one very nice dress, and they would treat them all with extreme care. They would only buy fabrics suited to their body types and immediately have things tailored to fit properly.

My closet is full of mediocre clothing that I rarely wear for one reason or the other. I actually practice the "only a few outfits" philosophy, but I have a full closet! Hmmmm . . .

I'm in a rut. I can tell.

Can you?

Don't answer that.


DaDaHaZaReJe said...

Sometimes I wonder how you get so inside my head!

TyleresT said...

You can just buy me all the stuff you don't want. YOU can buy it and give it to ME so that way you don't have that many things and you still get to buy things :)

PS send the blankets up here I think its going to get cold


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