Saturday, June 23, 2007

He Can't Win

Himself came up next to me the other day. He had read my blog, then clicked on my other pictures to the right. He came over and gushed, "Honey, I was looking at the picture of you and SS, you know, where you're on stage and your hair is longer and brown."

"Yeah? And?"

"Oh, um. . . . it's just that you look SO much better now."


The rest of the night went like this for him. He'd try to say something nice, but it would turn into NOT being a compliment at all.

Now he's steppin' lightly.

Poor guy. Can't win.


Anonymous said...

There's no place like home! :D

What a wonderful feeling it is to arrive home after being away for so long!
Thank you for all your prayers! They were a wonderful blessing!!
I had an amazing time, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!
I'll post pictures and stuff once I get everything sorted.

Bagel Two said...

Good Gravy, Bagel One. That is one whipcrack of a look.

In a related statement, I didn't know you went to the firing range!

Mrs said...

Bagel One! It sounds like "Obi-Wan" or something. You made me laugh!

I went to the firing range with some girlfriends when one of them had a birthday. Frankly, it was scary for me. I wasn't expecting cold metal to suddenly come ALIVE!

Of course, the fact that we were in a room with toothless rednecks with firearms only added to my fear. I kept picturing one of them to suddenly resent their mammas and go ballistic on us. . . kinda psyched myself out.

Bagel Two said...

And how is your accuracy? Can you hit the broad side of barn? When Ricardo and I were first dating, he took me to his sister's farm. There we shot at the inevitable cans set up on fenceposts. Guns are surprisingly heavy!

Mrs said...

I actually hit the target! I was happy with that.

I've tried firing at cans before in NM. I swear they move out of the way.


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