Monday, September 17, 2007

Green Monkey Goes on Retreat

Green Monkey was invited to go to retreat. His owner sent a blanket and a pillow, but he actually didn't need them. He did miss her while he was gone, though everyone was so nice and accommodating at the retreat!
He started with sitting on the balcony to enjoy the view. Green Monkey likes ocean views.

If only my girl were here. She would love this.

For the first time, Green Monkey met Janet B. He could easily see why everyone loves her! She spoke to him in adjectives like, "So sweet, wonderful, amazing, brilliant. . . . " Green Monkey likes adjectives.

At lunch, Green Monkey listened in on a conversation between a retreat attender and the main speaker. Green Monkey likes listening in on conversations. He's kind of nosey like that.

At Craft Time, he decided to construct this cute little purse out of cardboard and materials that Janet B. had brought. He was still missing his girl and knew she would love the bandanna pattern.

It's so hard to wait during drying time.

After the evening session, Green Monkey joined the girls for some Gatoropoly. He knew his friend Jess would probably enjoy this game! He also found out why you can never sit in front of SS when a picture was taken. Here I had trusted her!

Cards were much more his speed. He especially liked when they offered snacks . . . . . .

. . . . but after a while he just began to help himself.

It was pretty hard to get up the next morning after all the games, laughter, and food, but there was still a session to attend.

I wonder what my girl's sister is doing today? I'm going to bring her this bottle of her favorite water. I hope it secures another year of her protecting me from her monster, Jack. He stalks me.
Green Monkey doesn't like to be stalked by Jack.

Green Monkey made new friends. They didn't even mind when his feet were on the couch. Careful; they both know karate.

Green Monkey also hung out with sisters. He doesn't know which one is older and didn't think it polite to ask.

He also found time to see what everyone was doing. Here he's being nosey again, trying to see what LSM (Little Stinker Margaret) was writing to the Queen. Did you know the Queen was moving to Arkansas? Green Monkey didn't know that.

His favorite part was when Hannah and Megan took him through the line at the snack table. He couldn't make up his mind, so Hannah pointed out one of his favorites: Goldfish crackers.

Old friends and new friends, food and games, teaching and weeping, laughter and sleeping. To Green Monkey, it was his favorite retreat.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you and GM had fun! Glad you're back and hopefully rested and refreshed!!

Anonymous said...

Green Monkey is right. Jess would have liked very much to play Gatoropoly with him!
Hannah and Megan have good taste; good choice to stick with them in the snack line, Green Monkey!

Looks like such a fun time! Glad you and Green Monkey could build some nice memories together. =P

Bagel Two said...

Who is Green Monkey?! And what has he done with JLW? I'm confused. He is cute, though. Are you freshed and all that?

Hey, do you think Dan knows who you are over there?

Mrs said...

Heh heh; I don't know if he knows, but I'm sure if he clicks on my name he'll figure it out!

Retreat is over, still trying to recover. Kim, refreshed, yes. Reseted? ;-)

midutton said...

Hi my favorite daughter, glad you
had a great time and I love the sunsets, oh I mean sunrises. love you, Mom

Megan Marie said...

So its all clear now why we took him through the line!! =) Goldfish were a pretty good choice!!! =) Hannah and I had our share of them while we were there tho!! =)
well, i am honored to be in a picture with green monkey!! =)

Mrs said...

Mamma! I was SO excited to get your package! I can't wait to call you!

I love you!

Megan, your post about retreat was good! I cracked up when I saw all the "durring session snacks" you had piled in front of you!

Hannah R. said...

Oh, the snacks! What would we have done without them? I thought Green Monkey might like the goldfish. : ) I'm so glad I went to the retreat!!! It was so neat!


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