Thursday, September 13, 2007


I'm leaving tomorrow for the Women's Retreat. This will be my first retreat at the beach! I'm so looking forward to a change of pace, renewal, refreshment, and excellent teaching.

Actually, it's always a pain to go to retreat. I feel I have to plan so much out at home and prepare far enough in advance with school and other duties so I don't feel overwhelmed on Monday. However, I'm always glad I went. There's always the teaching from God's word that seems to be specifically tailored to whatever I may be going through, or am about to go through!

I used to plan and prepare meals ahead of time for the family, but unless they were totally pre-cooked and only needed warming up, Himself would ignore them and order pizza anyway. These days, our budget doesn't allow it! I have made my 8 quarts of spaghetti sauce, so they can have spaghetti and baked ziti. I'm so thankful that Kelly and Glenna know their way around the kitchen these days!

I had a peek at our electric bill for the month. Well over $300. I'm wondering if it's the window unit we use for the school room, or if it's just September? Either way, I'll be thankful for cooler weather, and SOON. It's still hot outside, but I know the season is changing because the leaves are looking dull.

Anyway, I won't be posting for a while! Perhaps I'll have some retreat photos when I do. Here's an old something to look at until I get back:


Anonymous said...

I pray that you have a relaxing, spritually refreshing time at the retreat!

P.S. I am torn between compassion and disregard for that cat, though I'm afraid I did laugh.

P.P.S. I think my blog shall be fixed by the time you get back!

Bagel Two said...

What the heck?! Poor kitty. Not what I expected as a farewell photo! I hope you have a most excellent time on the retreat.

(Don't worry, Jess. After my eyes had taken in the scene, my mind had recovered from the idea of black humor from JLW, I snickered a bit, too.

Anonymous said...

Welcome homeeee!
Glad you had an insightful time; I'm assuming it was also fun?

I wanted to formally (or not-so-formally) invite you guys to our church talent show next Sunday night. Yours truly will be doing a fun/silly act. =P Seen South Pacific?


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