Friday, September 07, 2007


Normal verbage around our house:

"Mom, may I use the death beam?"

Of course, I said yes!

When we first started camping with the high school youth group back in the 90s in California, we went out and purchased flashlights. The one we bought for Himself was incredibly bright and could single handedly light up a football field. Whenever it was turned on, we would inevitably hear "AAAAHHHHH!" from whomever happened to be in the path of the beam. Himself started referring to it as "The Laser Beam of Death." The name has pretty much stuck for any powerful flashlight in our house.

I love when this happens, and I especially love when the cute vocabulary of our children becomes permanent vocabulary for all of us. Thanks to their mispronunciations, we now use:

Tamote = remote
Pete-stah = pizza
Moody = movie
Cuteiful = cute/beautiful (some of our friends use this one, too!)

I would love to hear if there are any new words your children have made! Or, if you don't have children, are there any words your family uses from you and your siblings?

Yesterday, the tow truck came and picked up my car. Please pray they will repair it completely and I will continue to trust God with this situation.


chocolatechic said...

I pray that your car will be better than new.

One of the words that we use right now is Goog.

One day I was typing goof, and mistyped it as goog. That stuck, so now any time anyone of use is acting goofy, we are "goog's".

Unknown said...

We use "altitude" for attitude because my daughter mispronounced it when she was little.

Also, she said, "You're getting on my nurse" instead of nerves. :)

Phyllis said...

Ours are all in Russian, but here's one that's pretty easy to explain and so cute. I'll even transliterate for you. :-)
kopat=to dig
Raia calls a shovel "kopata."

Bagel Two said...

This is so Rugrats! If your kids ever watched this, they know about getting out on the wrong side of the bread.

Stuff we use at my house:

Yights for lights
Bud-in for button

'Gotta gocus' for when it's time to go, because my autistic son is a Blue's Clue's fanatic. We have a lot of dialogue from Blue's Clues and the Powerpuff girls due to his tendency to use that dialogue as communication. We also use many of their rhymes to announce activities, like 'the toothbrush tango' and 'time to put on clothes.'

Something cute my daughter once said when told about birds flying in a 'V' or 'W':

Do they ever fly in an 'A?'

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

We use our noses to schnelp things around here - especially if something schnelps good. It's a Zachism from way back. He seems to have a particularly sensitive schnelper.


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