Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Economus Stimulus

I have done my civic duty. I have participated in the great American Dream. I have thusly stimulated the economy!

In 7 to 10 short days, UPS will toot their happy horn and deliver this:

I have wanted this thing for YEARS. I have stood before the demo guy at Costco for YEARS. I have never had money at the same time they were at Costco, and of course they're only there for a week or a weekend, only once or twice per year.

When I was leaving for the convention, I saw them at Costco. I called John and asked if I could take from whichever budget account and get it. He [wisely] told me to wait. If it's meant to be mine, the stimulus check would arrive in time.

It didn't.

I was bitterly disappointed (again).

When the check finally arrived yesterday, I decided to check on ebay. There were too many days to wait and too many bids, making it at or above the Costco cost. So, I did what any sane woman would do:

I Googled it.

Not only did I find it at a decent price, but I didn't have to pay shipping OR tax! I paid less than I would have at Costco!

Smoothies, anyone? (And juice, and salsa, and soup, and ice cream, and . . . )

The girls and I headed to mall today to do further patriotic duty. We were in dire need of undergarments. (Sorry Kelly and Glenna, but everyone knows that everyone wears them.) I hate shopping for undergarments almost more than I hate shopping for bathing suits. I. Just. Do.

Still, we had a very successful trip and hit a few sales. We're all properly under clothed. We were cruising back toward the parking lot when [gasp of horror] we ran into some guys from Kelly's youth group.

They wanted to know what we were shopping for.

We showed them some Payless shoes.

And nothing else.


Raquel said...

whew! close call!

mind your own beezwax, you nosy guys! sheesh!


Anonymous said...

Good thing you went shopping for shoes also!


Anonymous said...

Whew is right! That is always a fear of mine when out shopping for *ahem* unmentionables. =P

Congrats! We have something like this (from Costco :), and it's so fun! But on behalf of your children, I ask that you not make any cabbage "ice cream" in that machine. Care to ask me how I know it's terrible?

Bagel Two said...

You should always make what a co-worker of mine calls "cover buys." Of course, in her case she buys the undergarments to camoflauge the purchase of her umpteenth pair adorable flats.

Mrs said...

But, I thought it was ice cream with cabbage IN it, not cabbage ice cream! The demo guy made it taste so good!

Our smoothies will have to be berry only. No citrus. Sigh. BUT, berries and cabbage???


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