Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Terrific Tuesday

Why is today Terrific Tuesday?

It used to be Crazy Tuesday. We'd be out the door at 8:20 and head to English co-op, followed by Literature co-op, then History co-op. I'd grab some food for the girls and drop Kelly off at art class, while Glenna and I waited for her at the library. Then we'd pick up Chico and Kate and head to the church for either Service Project or Dance lessons with Chico. They would probably talk me into something else, like heading to Chico's or Kate's to watch DWTS. I'd then tumble into bed around 10 or so.

But THIS Tuesday? Terrific Tuesday?

I stayed home.

Migraine update: I have had only two headaches since I've stopped eating trigger foods; one was cyclical, and the other was because I ate the wrong foods. I re-consulted the book and found out foods I thought were safe were not! I'm going to type up a "Can't touch this" list and stick it on the fridge. The foods I ate within two days were avocado, pickles, sour cream, and a sauce that was too vinegary. Any of these by themselves and I probably would have been fine, but all together they knocked me out for two days.

Added bonus: weight loss!

I've decided to update all the happenings on this blog today. I'm actually only behind on one thing. In March, my friend and mentor, Sarah, paid us a visit from California. I was so happy to see her! She had been watching TBN and heard of the Holy Land Experience, so she really wanted to go there.

The Holy Land Experience was all:
and . . .
And . . .
And . . .

And . . .

And . . .

And . . .

And . . .

Then, because I wanted to show her a more natural Florida, Himself and I took her to Blue Springs. There were only 7 manatee that day but we managed to see them anyway. Sarah thought Natural Florida was beautiful. I agree; it certainly has beauty.

Here she is on the porch of the plantation house there with Rhett Butler.

These particular manatee were fitted with tracking devices. It not only helps them keep track of their habits, but it also lets boaters see them in the water (if they're driving slow enough).

This idiot jumped in past the "Please do not disturb or go near the manatee" sign. Poor little sea cows were panicking like crazy. We didn't stick around to watch him get arrested.

At the head of the trail is the natural spring. Divers and swimmers are allowed to explore to their hearts' content. That is, as long as there's no manatee around. The temperature stays the same year round because of this spring, which is why the manatee flock (herd?) there in the winter.

After Holy Landin' and Manateein', Sarah agreed to teach the girls how to make tortillas.

You know, they never did get it exactly right, but Kelly loves anything she can gush with her hands. Glenna even tried to make them again, solo, but we never had a batch that was soft and pliable.

After Holy Landin', Manateein', and Tortillain', we headed off to Tyler's rock concert. Sarah loved watching him, as do we all! I don't have any pictures of inside, but I have pictures of two viejitas trying to make gansta signs while waiting outside.

The W and the S! We are the best! We may be white, but we got it right! (Ok, one white and one Hispanic.)

It was hard to say goodbye. Anyone else care to visit? Come on over!

1 comment:

Bagel Two said...

Hey, for a minute I thought that was me at the Holy Land Experience. Did I ever meet Sarah? You look happy and healthy.


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