Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Foolish and Ignorant Disputes

Sunday, I had a religious solicitor come to my door. After introducing herself and the young girl with her, she let me know that they were going through the neighborhood to ask six questions about Jesus. I stopped her there.

You know, I'm a Christian locked in at a local church, so I'm good to go.

Oh, that's great! We often talk to people from other religions.

Other religions? Did she not just hear me? She just came to my door saying she wanted to ask questions about Jesus. I told her I'm a Christian. Does that word have no meaning? There have been many occasions where I've wanted to post a doctrinal statement on my door:

Bible-believing, Pre-or mid-trib, Millennial, Dispensationist lives here. Oh, and to all JW's, JESUS IS GOD. Still feel like knocking?

I'm realizing that in today's world, saying you're a Christian could mean nothing at all. Even my doctrinal statement is something I won't go to the wall for, because it mainly expresses my views on end times (except for the Jesus is God part). Taken right from my recent Bible study, here's what I WILL go to the wall for:

1. Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. No one gets to God any other way. (John 14:6)

2. Jesus Christ came wrapped in human flesh as the divine Son of God. (John 1:1, 14; Col 1:19-20)

3. Christ's bodily resurrection is an absolute tenant of the Christian faith. His resurrection occurred as the firstfruit of the harvest so that all who believed in Him could be raised from the dead. (1 Cor. 15:22-23)

We had such a great discussion on this at Bible study last night. What I won't go to the wall for is:

1. Styles of worship.

2. Discussions on baptism.

3. Spiritual gifts.

4. End time theology.

The last one is because brilliant scholars have not been able to agree for centuries! I believe this fits firmly under Deuteronomy 29:29 - The hidden things belong to the Lord our God, but the revealed things belong to us and our children forever, so that we may follow all the words of this law.

I wish I weren't so tongue-tied when religious solicitors come to my door. I wish I could speak with elloquence and welcome them as a Christian, that is, a believer in the sacrificial death of Christ removing my sins so that I am no longer separated from God and will have eternal life with Him, should. Insead, I end up looking like an idiot by saying things like:

What do you mean, other religions? I just told you I'm a Christian!

Oh, wait, what church did you say you went to?

____________ right down the street.

Oh, well thank you for coming to your door.

2 Timothy 2:23 "But reject foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they breed quarrels.


DaDaHaZaReJe said...

So very, very well said!

You are the least tongue-tied person I know so reading that you feel that way on occasion encourages me in some weird way. Maybe by the time I make it through menopause my synapses will fire fast enough that I can actually think of an appropriate response and articulate it before 24 hours has passed. In the meantime, I'm glad you're my friend and I can just say "Me too, what she said. That's what I think!"

chocolatechic said...

I have the same problem.

Generally I wimp out and just don't bother answering the door.

Rebekah said...

Yes, very well said! I've not been very good at talking with religious solicitors either. I do appreciate the scripture you've quoted..a very good word of Truth.


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