Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Great Wreck of '08

Why do they call me? Why don't they just come home?

Saturday, the band was practicing in the living room when I heard the house phone ring.

It was Glenna.

Of course, my immediate thought was for their well being since she and Kelly had gone on a bike ride .. . . No.

My first words were, "Why didn't you call my cell phone? The band is practicing in the living room!"

Um, Mom, Kelly and I were in a pretty bad wreck here.

Can you walk?

I think so . . .

Well then, come home!

Yes, that's how horrible a mother I am. They gamely picked up their bikes, returned the cell phone to the nice lady who let them borrow it, and headed home. I must have had some clue enter my consciousness because I sent Himself to meet them on foot.

Tyler was the only one with a view into the kitchen when the girls came in. They were pretty banged up and scraped up, so we put them up on the counter and we both set to work cleaning out dirt and bandaging. Ty was trying to concentrate but all he could see was the hospital triage in the kitchen! Pablo (bass guitar) could see it, too, so he moved his line of sight.

I know, I know. I made them walk home.

The shock's starting to wear off of Glenna, here. My baby! She was fortunate to land mostly on her sister, but one side is pretty scraped up. Having just endured a broken arm, she quickly put Kelly's limbs through all the tests of movement to see if anything was broken. What a smart girl! As they hobbled home, Kelly said to her, "I know this hurts and all, but still . . . it's a pretty sweet wreck!"

That's my Kelly! She was living in the moment. Even as she was wrecking (she admits it was her fault and deeply regrets Glenna getting hurt) she was thinking to herself, "Whoa! I'm falling! I'm going to hit the cement! This is not going to be good."

Still, she feels a new kinship with kids everywhere who wreck on their bikes every day. She feels like she got out there for a brief moment of glory and threw caution to the wind. She wrecked, but she walked away with a story to tell!

I know the picture is a pretty bad one, so here's some enhancement on all the scrapes:

(The shock was starting to wear off on Glenna and it was starting to hurt!) Kelly's face isn't scraped, just bruised. They make such a lovely pair, don't they?

Glenna was wearing a helmet. Whew!


Matt said...

Crazy! Ya, Kelly was telling us about it in Sunday School. That's pretty crazy! But, yet, great in some way(not the wounds, but the story and such!) They are a pretty good lookin' pair. I don't think they'll forget this one fore a while:) You crazy girls:)!

Raquel said...

Ah yes, Glenna told me, and continues to remind me every time it go near her arm. :-)

(the letters it is telling me to type are "soultap!")

Anonymous said...

Haha poor dears!
They looked pretty beat up the other night. Crazies!
Gotta love 'em. :)
And what a story!


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