Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Game Night

Look how long these pictures have been on my camera!

Jessie came over one night in the WINTER to play games with us.

I honestly don't know why they're all bundled up. I can only guess that Himself opened the house up because he loves the breeze and fresh air (cough cough, sniffle to those of us with allergies). He's sitting there, happy as a clam while the rest of us are freezing.


Unknown said...

Oh, I was hoping these were the photos of when I beat everyone at rummy.
Since that's my only claim to game fame at your house...

These are from early February, right?

Unknown said...

Oh, wait!
This is the night everyone vowed never to play Monopoly with me again... :(
They said I'm ruthless.

We finally find a game I'm good at, and it gets thrown out!

agable said...

Love these! You have such a cute family :)

Mrs said...

I think these were February. I'm kind of doing them in the order they appeared on the camera. I have enough posts to get through mid-June!

agable said...

Yay! I'm glad to hear you have more to come! I love your posts :)


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