Thursday, August 02, 2007

Contentment in a Role

Ty's band played a gig last night. I didn't go. Instead, I stayed at home where I belong.

And it was good.

I have never allowed my children to go to parties they weren't invited to just because their sibling was. I have never bought them a gift just because their sibling was getting one. I think it would be more unfair to let them do everything the other was doing, because life is just not like that. Instead, we've encouraged them to be happy for their sibling and rejoice with them! They in turn have the joy of happy siblings when it's their turn.

More and more, Himself is the one to do the band stuff with Ty. This is well and good. They're both drummers, they both really dig performing, and they share this interest with equal enthusiasm. Far from being upset, how can I not rejoice to see my hubby and my son grow closer? How could I impose myself upon that?

My joy comes from having the band practice in our home and feeding them. What mom doesn't like to watch teens eat? This is my role.

And it is very good.

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