Thursday, August 23, 2007


Remember this? If anyone can load our "stuff" into one small space, it's Himself. When people are moving they call Himself (pre-back injury) because the man can pack, people!

See what I mean? My favorite part is when he throws stuff out and I never miss it. He's really good at not throwing important stuff out. The space in the middle is where we park the bikes.

Work continues! We are SO CLOSE to doing school OUT of the house and all in one space. No more running back to the house for the dictionary or thesaurus, then taking it back into the house so the humidity doesn't ruin it. SOON, we will have our own perfect school place!

For my friends who haven't been here, a short tour. I'm standing at the school room door. That's my cute kid, Glenna, in Himself's Escape (pronounced es-KA-pay by the family and others, Spanish style).

That's my neighbor's new motor home. He's selling his house and he and the wife will live in this for a while. Yes, they're that close to us, but fortunately he's a great neighbor. It's only bad when I'm in my bathrobe, taking the schnauzer out to potty, and I get a cheery, "Good morning!"

They're putting wood up under the eaves to close it off. Then we'll vent it, then the rats will stay out. See the window behind them, partially hidden by plywood? My long-term goal is to turn that into a french door as well, then have a covered, courtyard patio between the house and the school room. Here in FL, it's easy enough to screen in that entire space. I could then open everything up in nice weather. Lots of people do that when they screen in their pool areas - makes this big outdoor living space. Nice!

This is the back of the house, with one lonely hibiscus bush. Don't judge me.
Actually, I'm waiting for irrigation to be installed. I don't want to plant a bunch of stuff and have it die.

Here's the front of the house! I love sitting on the porch with tea. I have bird feeders, birdbath, and it's fairly quiet.

Another picture of the front of the house. After I took this one, Glenna noticed a rat/mouse/type thing running across the front porch. So THAT'S what's been gnawing the plastic container where I keep the bird seed! I promptly went to Walmart and bought a metal one.

Anyway, back to work. How easily we're distracted! Himself displays the "measure twice, cut once" theory.

Speaking of easily distracted, look who found his sister's bike?

Himself calls him back to task. Uh oh. . . there's a calculating gleem in Ty's eye . . . . board . . . bike. . . boy. . . . .

Kelly! Look at my ramp! What do you think?

Which will break first? The board, the bike, or the boy?

Himself nixed the first ramp, but even he can't help but look at the progress of ramp two.

A couple of tests reveals it too flimsy. Find better board.

Note the girl in the tree. Kelly stuck by him through the entire process. Here he rides slowly up the ramp and then down. So far, so good!

Ready. . . . set. . . . . GO!

Perfect landing!

The Fan is impressed. The sunset sky is beautiful. Work is progressing.

Look who just found out it was HER bike being used?

Speaking of distractions, you can see by the time that I've missed my "start school at 9" deadline this morning. I should have uploaded these last night! There was so much going on and it's so hard to stay focused on . . . .
. . . .oh, look! A butterfly!


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad. I just woke up from a midmorning nap to read this. Ha! Who has ever heard of such a thing at my age?

I'd better go find another fun recipe...I mean, start school! Naturally. ;]

And yes, the real work starts next week. I'll be in class this time next Tuesday and Thursday. There goes my nap....

chocolatechic said...

Whoo Hooooo Work being done!

Gotta love that!

What grades are you teaching?

Mrs said...

Hi CC!

The girls are 6th and 10th.

My English classes are middle school and high school. Would love for your two to come! We use the Institute for Excellence in Writing. If you send them, make sure the Chip has those chocolate muffins with espresso, all right?

Jess, I pooped out around 2:30. Had to take a cat nap.

Unknown said...

Wow! I love hearing about your distractions, I feel much closer to you now that I know we are on the same distraction level as a matter of fact I'm in my office right now (sewing) I think.

Luv ya MA


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